How I Won a Myzone Fitness Competition during Covid Lock down

8 min readOct 13, 2020

by Alister Fuller

I have been a truck/bus driver for the last 12 years. In July 2017 which is about 3 years ago, I went from being obese to almost total Fitness all within 6 months. I did this mostly by dieting which included fasting, eating right and exercise. I was able to maintain this as a lifestyle with a few up’s and down’s and highs and lows over the last 3 years. 2018 for me was my best year in terms of exercise. I was totally FOCUSED. I made all those gains and I was not going to lose it. Then in March 2020 the global pandemic Covid-19 brought a full stop at my work and my company ceased to operate.

My first thoughts were this is great. I’m going to have 24 hours to myself to do what I want for myself. The first week I put my head down and I remember I did a 10 kilometre run everyday for the first 4 days of the first week of lock down. Then took a break with barely any exercise.

The reality of this lock down kicked in. Based on my memory I have to admit I had more bad days than good days. It was a constant struggle to get up and do exercise or push a bit of weights. I did have some good months and so I made a decision to have one good month and the other a bit less or rest month in terms of exercise . So for me July was a really good month. I took it easy in August then I told myself I’m going to do my best during September so the first week I did not miss a single day.




we cannot change the world but we can surely help one or two people.